Career - Teacher - Secondary

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Teachers -Secondary will prepare daily lessons and long-term teaching programs in accordance with state or territory curriculum and guidelines and teach using a variety of methods, including formal lessons, discussions, practical activities, experiments, projects, assignments and excursions, taking into account the differences between individual students. They will use information technology to assist with lesson preparation, teaching and reporting and set tests, exams, projects, assignments and homework; mark and correct assessments; and sort the results. They will evaluate and report on the progress of students, and discuss individual performance and problems with students and parents. They need to establish and maintain good working habits and discipline in classrooms and throughout the school and supervise extra classes when other teachers are absent. They will supervise students in the yard during lunchtime and other breaks and carry out relevant administrative duties. They will attend staff meetings, educational conferences and other professional development activities and coordinate work experience and industry-based programs. They will participate in other activities in partnership with parents and the school community, including parent-teacher nights, school council and other committees and assist with organising sporting events, camping trips and other excursions. They will be involved in distance education (for example, teaching using radio and television transmission, correspondence, audiovisual and other multimedia resources) and coordinate administrative support programs and the work of non-teaching staff in schools. They will liase with other teachers and work with other staff to revise the school's policies and curriculum implementation to reflect changing student needs and government initiatives.
Avg Salary
Australia  $99,528 AUD
United Kingdom  £37,000 GBP
United States of America  $63,299 USD
New Zealand  $55,948 NZD
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