Career - Management Consultant

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Management Consultants will gather information on the function of each area within an organisation (and the specific duties undertaken by each individual) by talking with managers or supervisors and interviewing other staff. They will assess the types of tasks undertaken in each section, the methods or systems used, the length of time taken for an individual to complete a task and any problems involved in undertaking the task and consult internal training manuals, files and job descriptions to obtain additional information. They will study data such as statistical records, reports and organisational charts and will identify problem areas and find solutions by considering alternatives, taking into account the benefits and costs of any recommendations. They will write detailed reports and provide statistical evidence to support their conclusions and recommendations and will assist in the implementation of new systems. They will talk to experts in other fields when introducing new equipment such as computers.
Avg Salary
Australia  $98,000 AUD
United Kingdom  £59,798 GBP
United States of America  $109,228 USD
New Zealand  $87,069 NZD
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