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BSc Cardiology: Courses, Admission, Scope 2024

8 min read
Blog Summary A Bachelor of Science in Cardiology is an undergraduate program focused on cardiac care. It provides comprehensive knowledge about the heart, its diseases, diagnostic procedures, and treatments. This degree opens career opportunities as cardiac technicians, cardiovascular technologists, and more, both in India and abroad. Eligibility requires a science background, and the curriculum includes subjects like human anatomy, clinical cardiology, and advanced imaging techniques. Graduates can work in hospitals, research institutes, and healthcare facilities, contributing significantly to cardiac health management and patient care.

Have you ever envisioned yourself at the forefront of cardiac healthcare, where every beat and rhythm of the heart is a puzzle you’re trained to solve? The Bachelor of Science in Cardiology (BSc Cardiology) is more than just a degree; it's a calling for those who aspire to make a profound difference in people’s lives through specialised health care.

While it’s clear that holders of a BSc in Cardiology are not designated as doctors, they emerge as pivotal figures in the cardiac care spectrum. This programme molds you into a cardiac technologist, a role where precision meets compassion, offering a unique vantage point to witness the impact of heart care on patient lives.

What is BSc Cardiology?

It’s a journey through the intricacies of cardiovascular technology, designed to arm you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the fast-evolving landscape of cardiac health care. 

BSc Cardiology is an undergraduate degree programme focused on the study of the heart and its various diseases and disorders. This programme provides students with a comprehensive understanding of cardiac science, including the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the heart, as well as the diagnostic procedures, treatments, and technologies used in cardiology.

BSc Cardiology: Highlights



Course Name

BSc in Cardiac Technology

Course Type

Undergraduate Programme


3-4 years

Examination Type



High School (10+2) with a Science background

Average Salary After Course

$5,200 to $26,000 per annum (approx., based on current exchange rates)

Potential Job Positions

ICU Assistant, Dialysis Technician, Cardiologist, Cardiovascular Technologist, Nephrologists Technology

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Eligibility for BSc Cardiology Eligibility 

When you're considering a path that leads to the heart of healthcare through a BSc in Cardiology, understanding the eligibility criteria is your first step. The BSc Cardiology eligibility sets the foundation for your journey into this vital and fulfilling field. Here's what you need to know to prepare yourself for a career:

  • Your Academic Foundation: For a BSc in Cardiology or BSc in Cardiac Technology, you should have finished your 12th grade from a recognised board, focusing on science. You must have studied BiPC subjects - Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and don't forget English, as they're essential for this course.
  • Marks Matter: Aim for at least a 55% aggregate in your 12th grade to meet the eligibility criteria. Different colleges might have their own specific requirements, so keep an eye out for that.

If You're Eyeing India:

  • Entrance Exams: To get into a BSc Cardiology course, you'll likely need to pass an entrance test set by the university or college. Good news – you don't need to clear the NEET exam for BSc Cardiology.

Dreaming of Going Abroad?

  • Your Checklist: Ready to apply for a BSc in Cardiology at an overseas university? Make sure you have:
  • Your 12th-grade mark sheets ready to go.
  • A Statement of Purpose (SOP) that tells your story.
  • Letters of Recommendation (LOR) from people who believe in your potential.
  • Proof of English proficiency through IELTS/TOEFL scores.
  • Be prepared to submit any additional documents the university asks for.
  • SAT/ACT scores might be on the list of requirements too.

For a successful application, understanding the distinction between a Statement of Purpose (SOP) and a personal statement is crucial. Whether you're planning to study in India or take your talents abroad, understanding the heart and its complexities through a BSc in Cardiology is a noble path. 

BSc Cardiology Syllabus and Subjects

Pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Cardiology is an engaging journey into the heart of medical science, focusing on heart health. This programme prepares students for a fulfilling career in cardiac care, combining essential theoretical knowledge with vital practical skills. 

Covering everything from the basics of human anatomy to the complexities of advanced cardiac care techniques, the curriculum ensures students gain a thorough understanding of cardiovascular health and how to manage heart diseases effectively. 

Here is a detailed look at the subjects and syllabus for students enrolled in a BSc Cardiology programme:


BSc Cardiology Subjects

Year 1

Human Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Introduction to Cardiology

Year 2

Cardiac Diagnostic Techniques and Devices, Clinical Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery Basics, Pediatric Cardiology, Emergency Cardiology, Cardiac Rehabilitation

Year 3

Advanced Imaging Techniques, Interventional Cardiology, Cardiac Electrophysiology, Research Methodology and Biostatistics, Healthcare Management and Ethics, Clinical Rotations and Internship

BSc Cardiology Colleges Abroad

BSc in Cardiology abroad equips students with a comprehensive understanding of heart health, blending rigorous cardiology courses with hands-on cardiac course experiences. This degree opens doors to a fulfilling career in healthcare, emphasising the importance of specialised knowledge in diagnosing, treating, and preventing heart diseases.

Several prestigious institutions offer top-tier BSc Cardiology courses including a list of top universities to study BSc Cardiology:

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Jobs & Salary After BSc Cardiac Technology 

Expanding on the career opportunities available after completing a Bachelors of science in Cardiology, graduates find themselves well-prepared for a variety of roles within the healthcare industry. These roles leverage the specialised knowledge and skills acquired through the cardiology course and cardiac course, focusing on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of heart diseases. Let's explore additional career paths and BSc cardiology salary:

Careers after BSc Cardiology

Salary after BSc Cardiology or BSc Cardiac Technology (Approx)

Cardiac Technician

$55,000 - $65,000

Cardiovascular Technologist

$60,000 - $70,000

Echocardiography Technician

$65,000 - $75,000

Medical Sonographer

$70,000 - $85,000

Cardiac Care Nurse

$75,000 - $90,000

Research Assistant in Cardiology

$50,000 - $60,000

Pacemaker Technicians

$55,000 - $65,000

Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist

$60,000 - $70,000

Healthcare Administrator in Cardiology Departments

$80,000 - $100,000

Medical Sales Representative

$70,000 - $90,000

The BSc Cardiology salaries indicate a robust job market for graduates, reflecting the critical need for specialised cardiac care professionals. These careers not only offer financial rewards but also the profound satisfaction of making a significant impact on patient lives, underscoring the importance and scope of cardiac care in the healthcare sector.

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BSc Cardiology Scope in India and Abroad

Choosing a BSc in Cardiology isn't just about picking a degree; it's about committing to a future where your efforts have a direct impact on heart health. This field brings you to the heart of healthcare, focusing on one of the most crucial organs in the human body. The scope of Bachelor of Science in Cardiology is extensive, unlocking myriad opportunities to make a significant difference, both within India's dynamic healthcare landscape and on the international stage.

BSc Cardiology Scope

In India


Scope of BSc Cardiology 

Hospitals, Healthcare clinics, Research institutes, Educational institutions

International healthcare settings, Research facilities, Educational institutions

Roles after BSc Cardiology Course 

Cardiac technician, Cardiovascular technologist, Echocardiography technician

Similar roles as in India, with potential for positions in advanced research and healthcare technology

Reach out to AECC today and begin your first step towards an international education in cardiology that will mold your career and expand your perspectives.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the skills required to pursue a B.Sc in Cardiology?

To dive into a B.Sc in Cardiology, you'll need a strong interest in sciences, especially biology, and a keen eye for detail. Good communication skills are a must, as you'll work with patients and healthcare teams. 

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