Australia Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT)

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    Private College - VET

  • On campus accommodation


Welcome to the Australia Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT), where academic excellence meets a supportive and inclusive community. At AIBT, AIBT prides itself on offering a transformative educational experience that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to achieve their goals and thrive in the professional world.

Picture AIBT as a nurturing ecosystem where each student is a unique seed ready to grow and blossom. AIBT's wide variety of offshore and onshore qualifications provides rich soil from which your educational journey can take root. Whether you're passionate about aviation, accounting, information technology, or any other study area, AIBT offers programs tailored to meet your aspirations and unlock your full potential.

As students embark on their educational voyage at AIBT, they won't be sailing alone. The H.E.A.R.T. support team will be their trusted compass, guiding them through the challenges and uncertainties that may arise along the way. With their unwavering dedication, the support team ensures that students receive the individualised care and attention they need to stay on course and reach their destination.

AIBT understands that venturing into a new country and educational system can be daunting. But fear not! AIBT is here to anchor students in their new home away from home. Additional support services, such as GTE assistance, pre-arrival guidance, insurance coverage, and homestay arrangements, create a safety net that eases the transition into the vibrant Australian culture.

AIBT doesn't just offer a traditional education but provides a nurturing ecosystem where student growth extends beyond the classroom. Think of the campus as a flourishing garden, where students will find not only full-time trainers and support services but also a diverse community of fellow students from different faiths, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, mental health statuses, and employment backgrounds.

Just as a garden thrives when its flowers bloom together, the diversity of AIBT's community allows to cultivate an environment where different perspectives intertwine. Students will find that engaging with these diverse viewpoints enriches their academic arguments and deepens their understanding of the learning material. 

At AIBT, education is not confined to textbooks and lectures alone. Imagine the campus as a bustling marketplace of opportunities. The vibrant student life offers a plethora of clubs and societies where students can forge new connections, explore their passions, and create memories that will last a lifetime. From sports clubs that ignite their competitive spirit to cultural societies that celebrate diversity through mesmerising performances, there's something for everyone to immerse themselves in and enhance their university experience.

As students navigate the various paths of their educational journey, AIBT provides state-of-the-art facilities to support their growth. Consider the campus as a well-equipped workshop, providing students with the tools they need to excel. From the JobReady portal, which offers valuable placement information and opportunities, to the online study platform that brings education to their fingertips, AIBT ensures that students have access to the resources and support necessary for success.

Join the thriving community of AIBT alumni, where the connection to the institution continues even after completing studies. Like a tightly woven tapestry, AIBT's alumni network provides a support system, mentorship opportunities, and valuable professional connections that will guide students as they navigate their future careers.

Campus Location

The Australia Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT) offers multiple campus locations across Australia to provide students with diverse learning environments. The campuses of AIBT are strategically located in Queensland, New South Wales, and Tasmania. In Queensland, the Mount Gravatt Campus of AIBT can be found, while the Blacktown Campus is situated in New South Wales. For those looking to study in Tasmania, AIBT has the Hobart Campus. Each campus of AIBT offers state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive learning atmosphere, ensuring an enriching educational experience for all students.

Queensland Mount Gravatt Campus:

The Mount Gravatt Campus in Queensland provides a vibrant learning environment surrounded by natural beauty. With modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, and access to recreational facilities, students at AIBT can enjoy a perfect blend of academic and leisure activities.

New South Wales Blacktown Campus:

Located in Blacktown, New South Wales, the campus of AIBT offers a dynamic setting for students to pursue their education. The campus boasts cutting-edge facilities, spacious classrooms, and collaborative spaces that encourage interaction among students and faculty.

Tasmania Hobart Campus:

Situated in Hobart, Tasmania, the campus of AIBT provides a serene and picturesque backdrop for learning. Students can benefit from modern facilities, dedicated study areas, and a supportive community at AIBT, allowing them to excel in their chosen fields of study.

Study Areas

At the Australia Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT), a wide range of study areas is offered to cater to the diverse interests and career aspirations of students. The programs at AIBT are designed to provide quality education and equip students with the necessary skills to succeed in their chosen industries. Here are some of the study areas available at AIBT:


The aviation courses at AIBT provide comprehensive training for aspiring professionals in the aviation industry. From pilot training to aviation management, programs are offered that cover various aspects of this exciting field.

English Courses:

AIBT offers English language courses to international students, helping them enhance their language proficiency and communication skills. These courses are designed to prepare students for further studies or improve their employability in English-speaking environments.


The accounting programs at AIBT equip students with essential financial knowledge and practical skills required in the ever-evolving world of finance. Students learn about financial reporting, taxation, auditing, and other critical areas of accounting.

Information Technology:

In today's digital era, studying information technology is essential for a wide range of career paths. AIBT provides IT courses that cover areas such as software development, networking, cybersecurity, and database management, preparing students for success in the IT industry.


The logistics courses at AIBT focus on the efficient management of the flow of goods and services. Students gain a deep understanding of supply chain management, inventory control, transportation, and other essential aspects of the logistics industry.


AIBT offers management programs that develop strong leadership and managerial skills. Students learn about organisational behaviour, strategic planning, project management, and other crucial areas necessary for effective management in various industries.

Graduate Studies:

AIBT provides postgraduate programs for students who aim to further specialise in their fields or pursue advanced research. The graduate studies at AIBT cover areas such as business administration, project management, and information systems management.

Ageing and Individual Support:

AIBT offers courses that focus on providing care and support for the elderly and individuals in need. Students learn about aged care services, disability support, community care, and other aspects of this rewarding field.

Community Services:

The community services programs at AIBT train students to make a positive impact on society. From counselling and social work to youth services and community development, these courses prepare students for careers dedicated to helping others.

Early Childhood:

AIBT's early childhood education courses are designed for individuals passionate about working with young children. Students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality care and education in early childhood settings.

Diversity and Inclusion

At the Australia Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT), they embrace and celebrate diversity, fostering an inclusive learning environment where everyone feels valued and respected. AIBT is committed to promoting equality, and they do not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind. The diverse community at AIBT comprises individuals from different faiths, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, mental health statuses, and employment backgrounds.

Australia Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT) believes that this diversity enriches the learning experience by providing a platform for students to engage with differing viewpoints and broaden their understanding. Students at AIBT can expect an inclusive atmosphere that encourages collaboration, empathy, and mutual learning. AIBT has implemented the Student Equity and Diversity Policy and Procedure as well as the Student Code of Conduct Policy and Procedure to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all members of their community.

Student Life - Clubs and Societies

Beyond academics, AIBT offers a vibrant student life with a wide range of clubs and societies. These student-led organisations provide opportunities for social interaction, personal development, and extracurricular involvement. Joining a club or society allows students to connect with like-minded peers who share similar interests and passions. It's a chance to make new friends, explore hobbies, and create lasting memories.

Whether you're interested in sports, arts, culture, or community service, AIBT's clubs and societies offer something for everyone. From sports clubs that organise friendly competitions to cultural societies that celebrate diversity through events and performances, there are numerous ways to get involved and enhance your university experience. Participating in these extracurricular activities not only promotes personal growth but also provides a well-rounded education beyond the classroom.

Campus Facilities

Australia Institute of Business and Technology AIBT is committed to providing top-notch facilities to support students throughout their educational journey. AIBT's campus facilities are designed to create a conducive learning environment and cater to the diverse needs of students. 

Here are some of the facilities available at AIBT:

JobReady Portal:

The online platform offered by AIBT provides comprehensive job placement information and opportunities for students, ensuring they are well-prepared for their future careers.

Online Study:

AIBT provides online study options, allowing students to access course materials, interact with instructors, and collaborate with fellow students regardless of their location.

Research and Learning Support:

AIBT offers research assistance and learning support services to help students excel in their studies. A dedicated team of academic staff at AIBT provides guidance and resources for effective research and learning strategies.


AIBT's orientation program helps new students transition smoothly into university life. It provides valuable information about campus facilities, academic resources, and support services, ensuring students feel confident and prepared from day one.

Discovery Library:

AIBT's well-stocked library offers a vast collection of resources, including books, journals, and online databases, to support students' research and study needs.

Student Counselling:

AIBT provides professional counselling services to support students' emotional well-being and personal development. Qualified counsellors at AIBT offer confidential guidance and assistance to help students navigate challenges and achieve their full potential.

Student Complaints:

AIBT has a dedicated system in place to address student complaints and concerns promptly. AIBT is committed to maintaining an open and transparent process for resolving any issues that may arise during a student's journey.

Outlook Mail:

AIBT provides students with Outlook Mail accounts, ensuring efficient communication between students, faculty, and staff.

Articulation Pathways:

AIBT has established articulation pathways with reputed Australian universities, allowing students to pursue higher education with credit transfer. This provides a seamless transition for students wishing to further their studies after completing their qualifications at AIBT."

Alumni Network

The Australia Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT) takes pride in its strong and supportive alumni network. AIBT graduates form a valuable community that continues to contribute to the success of AIBT and its students. As an AIBT alumnus, individuals gain access to a vast network of professionals across various industries, opening doors to potential career opportunities and professional growth.

The AIBT alumni network offers a platform for networking, mentorship, and knowledge-sharing. Alumni events and reunions provide opportunities for individuals to reconnect with former classmates, build new connections, and stay updated on industry trends. AIBT values its alumni and remains dedicated to their ongoing success by offering continued support and engagement.

Studying at the Australia Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT) provides a transformative educational experience with a focus on achieving individuals' goals. With a wide range of study areas, supportive campus facilities, an inclusive community, vibrant student life, and a strong alumni network, AIBT ensures that individuals receive the education and support necessary for a successful future. Joining the diverse and dynamic community at AIBT allows individuals to embark on a rewarding academic journey that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the professional world.

Why Study at AIBT?

  • Wide Variety of Offshore and Onshore Qualifications: AIBT offers a diverse range of qualifications, both offshore and onshore, allowing students to choose the program that aligns with their career goals and aspirations.
  • H.E.A.R.T Support: Students at AIBT receive exceptional support from the dedicated H.E.A.R.T support team throughout their academic journey, ensuring they have the necessary guidance and assistance to succeed.
  • Additional Support Services: AIBT goes above and beyond to support students with various additional services, including Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) assistance, pre-arrival guidance, insurance coverage, and homestay arrangements, easing the transition into Australia.
  • Study Support Systems: AIBT provides a structured system to support students, including full-time trainers, comprehensive support services, an IT team, and professional counselling professionals, ensuring that students have access to the resources and assistance they need.
  • Community Engagement: AIBT takes pride in supporting the community through social programs and regular social activities for students. This fosters a sense of belonging and encourages students to actively engage in community initiatives.
  • Job Ready Programs: As part of the orientation process, AIBT offers the pioneering Job Ready Program, equipping students with essential job-ready skills and enhancing their employability upon graduation.
  • Suitable Partnerships: Through strategic partnerships with reputable institutions across Australia, AIBT provides students with valuable placement opportunities upon program completion or even during their studies.
  • Articulation Pathways to Reputed Australian Universities: AIBT offers articulation pathways that facilitate seamless credit transfers to esteemed Australian universities, enabling students to pursue higher education with advanced standing.
  • Flexibility: AIBT understands that students' circumstances may change and therefore provides the flexibility to change courses or campuses if needed. Additionally, flexible timetables cater to students’ individual needs and preferences.
  • Professional Educators: AIBT boasts a team of professional and industry-focused educators who are passionate about delivering quality education and ensuring that students receive relevant, up-to-date knowledge and skills.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: AIBT campuses are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, research support, and a comprehensive library, providing an optimal learning environment for students.
  • Inclusive and Diverse Environment: AIBT embraces diversity and fosters an inclusive environment where students from all backgrounds feel welcome and respected. This promotes a rich learning experience, encourages cultural exchange, and enhances critical thinking through exposure to differing viewpoints.
  • Extracurricular Opportunities: AIBT offers a vibrant student life with a wide range of clubs and societies, allowing students to pursue their interests outside of academics, develop leadership skills, and build lasting friendships.
  • Alumni Network: AIBT's strong and supportive alumni network provides ongoing support, mentorship, and networking opportunities, giving graduates an advantage in their careers and personal development.

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Upper Mount Gravatt Campus - Australia Institute of Business and Technology AIBT

Level 3, 18 Mount Gravatt-Capalaba Rd, Upper Mount Gravatt, Queensland 4122

View on map About Campus

The campus is located in fantastic city fringe districts and fully equipped with useful study areas and equipment to ensure that students receive the highest standard of education. The state-of-the-art interactive whiteboards connect students to the trainers and allow for flexible learning and collaborative group projects.

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New South Wales Campus - Australia Institute of Business and Technology AIBT

Suites C3.09 and C3.10 22, Mount Street Ultimo, New South Wales 2007

View on map About Campus

The campus is located in fantastic city fringe districts and fully equipped with useful study areas and equipment to ensure that students receive the highest standard of education. The state-of-the-art interactive whiteboards connect students to the trainers and allow for flexible learning and collaborative group projects.

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Blacktown Campus - Australia Institute of Business and Technology AIBT

125 Main St, Blacktown, New South Wales 2148

View on map About Campus

The campus is located in fantastic city fringe districts and fully equipped with useful study areas and equipment to ensure that students receive the highest standard of education. The state-of-the-art interactive whiteboards connect students to the trainers and allow for flexible learning and collaborative group projects.

See all courses at this campus
Hobart Campus - Australia Institute of Business and Technology AIBT

132 Elizabeth St, Hobart, Tasmania 7000

View on map About Campus

The campus is located in fantastic city fringe districts and fully equipped with useful study areas and equipment to ensure that students receive the highest standard of education. The state-of-the-art interactive whiteboards connect students to the trainers and allow for flexible learning and collaborative group projects.

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English language


PTE 42


country flag

Students from Australia are accepted to this university

AIBT offers a wide range of programs and qualifications in areas such as aviation, English courses, accounting, information technology, logistics, management, graduate studies, ageing and individual support, community services, and early childhood.

You can receive support from the H.E.A.R.T support team at AIBT by reaching out to them directly. They are dedicated to assisting students and providing guidance throughout their academic journey.

AIBT provides additional support services such as assistance with Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirements, pre-arrival guidance, insurance coverage, and homestay arrangements to help international students transition smoothly into Australia.

AIBT ensures academic support for students through a structured system that includes full-time trainers, comprehensive support services, an IT team, and professional counselling professionals who are available to assist students with their academic needs.

AIBT takes pride in supporting the community through social programs and offering regular social activities for students, fostering a sense of belonging and providing opportunities for students to engage with one another.

The Job Ready Program is offered as part of every student's orientation at AIBT. It equips students with essential job-ready skills, preparing them for employment opportunities upon graduation.

Yes, AIBT has suitable partnerships with institutions across Australia, which can help with placements upon completion of your program or even during your study.

AIBT offers articulation pathways that allow students to transfer credits to reputed Australian universities for higher education. This means that you can continue your studies at a higher level with credit for your prior learning at AIBT.

Yes, AIBT offers the option to change courses or campuses in case you change your mind. This flexibility allows you to tailor your education to your evolving interests and needs.

AIBT is proud of its diverse community and does not tolerate harassment or discrimination. The institution welcomes people of all faiths, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, mental health statuses, and employment backgrounds, creating an inclusive environment that promotes varied perspectives and deepens understanding.

AIBT offers a vibrant student life with a wide range of clubs and societies. Students can choose from various options, including sports clubs, cultural societies, and more, allowing them to pursue their interests and engage with like-minded peers.

AIBT provides state-of-the-art campus facilities that include a JobReady portal for placement information, online study resources, research and learning support, student counselling services, an extensive library, and access to campus-wide amenities.

As an AIBT student, you can access the JobReady portal, which provides valuable information and opportunities for placements. The portal serves as a platform for seeking relevant placement options and gaining insights into potential career paths.

AIBT offers comprehensive support services to assist students with their research and learning needs. These services include access to research materials, learning resources, and expert guidance to enhance the learning experience.

Upon completion of your studies, you can connect with the AIBT alumni network, which provides a supportive community of former students. The network offers opportunities for mentorship, professional connections, and ongoing support in your career endeavours.

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