• Annual course fee

    AUD 29,000

  • Duration

    2 Years

  • Intake months

    March, july, november

  • Delivery locations


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Students from Australia are accepted for this course

The Master of Professional Accounting has been designed for students whose first degree is in a non-accounting field and provides you with a comprehensive program of study in Accounting theory and practice, enabling you to pursue a pathway to qualification as a professional accountant. In addition to core subject areas of Accounting, Financial Management and Auditing. You will be introduced to related disciplines, including Business Law, Taxation, Information Systems, Economics and Quantitative Methods.

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  • Type of institution

    Private College - Higher Education

  • On campus accommodation

    Not Available

Welcome to ATMC Fed Uni, a doorway to an expansive world of learning, invention, and opportunity. ATMC Fed Uni takes pride in offering an engaging educational experience that crosses boundaries as an institution dedicated to academic quality and student success. ATMC Fed Uni celebrates the strength of curiosity, the delight of learning, and the excitement of intellectual development.

At ATMC Fed Uni, a thriving community develops skills, sparks interests, and creates connections that last a lifetime. ATMC Fed Uni assembles a diverse group of students, instructors, and staff who work together, are inspired, and produce a harmonious fusion of ideas and viewpoints, much like a conductor orchestrating a symphony.

Behind the walls of ATMC Fed Uni, a tapestry of information awaits to be uncovered. ATMC Fed Uni believes that education is a voyage of exploration, not just a series of lectures and textbook readings. The courses at ATMC Fed Uni are thoughtfully designed to pique students' curiosity and provide them with the knowledge and insights they need to prosper in a constantly shifting environment.

As students set out on this life-changing adventure, they will be assisted by a committed faculty at ATMC Fed Uni who serve as mentors and guiding lights, as well as teachers, pushing them to reach their full potential. The faculty at ATMC Fed Uni is the knowledge master craftsmen, shaping students' minds and enabling them to develop into the best versions of themselves.

The campuses of ATMC Fed Uni are thriving ecosystems overflowing with life and opportunities tucked in the centre of busy cities. Students at ATMC Fed Uni will find themselves surrounded by a diverse array of cultures, making friends for the rest of their lives and expanding their worldwide network beyond national boundaries.

Students at ATMC Fed Uni will have access to cutting-edge facilities inside revered halls, where inspiration meets innovation. ATMC Fed Uni offers the ideal environment for academic endeavours, with state-of-the-art laboratories and collaboration areas created to inspire creativity. The libraries at ATMC Fed Uni serve as more than just informational centres; they are also safe havens where thoughts collide and creativity soars.

However, ATMC Fed Uni provides a holistic experience that fosters personal and social development; it is not simply about academics. Here, students will learn that education goes far beyond the four walls of the classroom, and the memories they make at ATMC Fed Uni will last a lifetime. Therefore, students should choose ATMC Fed Uni because education should be a transforming experience that moulds who they are and who they will become, not just a means to an end. ATMC Fed Uni aims to motivate, inspire, and enable students to reach their best potential.

Campus Location

Ballarat, Victoria:

As regional Victoria's largest education institution, the Ballarat campuses have a rich history of supporting the local communities. Students can immerse themselves in a natural environment and enjoy the charm of Ballarat while pursuing their studies.

Berwick Campus:

Located just a short distance from Melbourne CBD, the Berwick Campus offers a modern and architecturally-designed complex surrounded by landscaped gardens. With its close proximity to facilities in the attractive Berwick Village Centre, students can experience the best of both worlds.

Brisbane City, Queensland:

If students prefer a city lifestyle, the Brisbane Campus is the perfect choice. They'll have the opportunity to enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of Brisbane while pursuing their education.

Gippsland Campus (Churchill):

Set on 60 hectares of stunning grounds, the Gippsland Campus provides a vibrant and engaging setting for higher education.

Wimmera Campus: Located in Horsham, the Wimmera Campus offers a range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and research-level study options. With specialised training facilities and a focus on education, nursing, and business programs, students will receive hands-on experience in their chosen field."

Study Areas

ATMC Fed Uni offers a wide range of study areas to cater to diverse interests and career aspirations.


Explore the world of business with programs such as the Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Professional Accounting, and Master of Business Administration offered by ATMC Fed Uni. ATMC Fed Uni helps students develop the skills needed for a successful career in various business sectors.

Information Technology:

ATMC Fed Uni keeps students at the forefront of technology with its information technology programs. Students can choose from specialisations like Business Information Systems, Networking and Security, Software Development, and more.

Maths / Data:

ATMC Fed Uni offers the Master of Data Science program, allowing students to master the art of data science. The program equips students with the skills to analyse and interpret data, providing valuable insights for businesses and organisations.


For students with a passion for engineering, ATMC Fed Uni's Master of Engineering Project Management program is designed to equip them with the knowledge and skills to oversee engineering projects with efficiency and precision.

Diversity and Inclusion

ATMC Fed Uni is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students. ATMC Fed Uni values and celebrates diversity, recognising the importance of embracing different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.

For international students, ATMC Fed Uni has a dedicated International Student Support team that assists them with various aspects of their study journey, including visa information, accommodation, and cultural adjustment.

When it comes to equity and access, ATMC Fed Uni is committed to providing equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or circumstances.

ATMC Fed Uni recognises the importance of supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Hence, there are dedicated resources and support networks available for LGBTQ+ students, such as student clubs and societies, counselling services, and awareness campaigns.

ATMC Fed Uni is committed to gender equality and empowering women in their academic and professional pursuits. The university actively promotes gender diversity and offers initiatives and support programs to encourage women's participation and leadership in traditionally male-dominated fields.

Regarding culturally diverse communities, ATMC Fed Uni embraces and respects students from different backgrounds, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. The university promotes intercultural understanding and provides opportunities for cultural exchange through events, workshops, and community engagement.

Student Life -  Clubs and Societies

ATMC Fed Uni believes in the importance of extracurricular activities and community engagement. ATMC Fed Uni has a vibrant and diverse range of student clubs and societies that cater to various interests and passions. Whether students are interested in sports, arts, cultural activities, or social causes, they will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and engage in enriching experiences outside the classroom.

ATMC Fed Uni encourages its students to broaden their horizons through study abroad and exchange programs. These programs allow students to immerse themselves in different cultures, gain international perspectives, and develop a global mindset. The university has partnerships with institutions around the world, providing students with a wide range of options for international study opportunities.

ATMC Fed Uni understands the importance of practical experience and real-world skills. The university offers work-integrated learning programs, such as internships, industry placements, and cooperative education, to give students hands-on experience in their chosen field. These opportunities allow students to apply their knowledge in a professional setting, build valuable networks, and enhance their employability.

ATMC Fed Uni organises a variety of academic and career workshops to support student development and success. These workshops cover topics such as study skills, time management, research techniques, presentation skills, and career exploration. Participating in these workshops can enhance students' academic performance and equip them with the necessary skills for future employment.

ATMC Fed Uni believes in the importance of student representation and ensuring that students' voices are heard. The university has student associations and representative bodies that advocate for student interests and concerns. These organisations provide a platform for students to engage with university decision-making processes and contribute to shaping the student experience.

For students interested in research, ATMC Fed Uni provides opportunities to engage in research projects and collaborate with faculty members. Participating in research can deepen students' knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and contribute to advancements in their field of study.

ATMC Fed Uni encourages students to actively engage with the local community and make a positive impact. The university partners with community organisations and initiatives, offering volunteering opportunities and community outreach programs. By participating in these activities, students can develop a sense of social responsibility and contribute to the betterment of society.

ATMC Fed Uni is committed to ensuring equal access to education for students with disabilities. The university's Accessibility Services team provides accommodations, assistive technologies, and support for students with diverse learning needs. ATMC Fed Uni strives to create an inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive.

In addition to on-campus resources, ATMC Fed Uni offers a range of online learning resources to support students' studies. These include virtual libraries, online tutorials, interactive learning modules, and discussion forums. Online learning platforms provide flexibility and convenience, allowing students to access educational materials anytime and anywhere.

ATMC Fed Uni prioritises the overall student experience and strives to provide a comprehensive range of facilities, support services, and opportunities that foster students' personal and academic growth. The university is committed to student's success and well-being throughout their journey with ATMC Fed Uni.

Campus Facilities

ATMC Fed Uni is committed to providing a supportive and enriching learning environment for students. 

Here are some of the key facilities and support services available:

Library and Learning Commons:

The university's libraries are well-equipped with extensive physical and digital resources, including books, journals, databases, and study spaces. The Learning Commons also provides academic support services, such as study skills workshops and individual consultations.

IT Services:

Whether students need to access online learning platforms, troubleshoot technical issues, or utilise software and tools for their studies, the university's IT Services team is available to help.

Student Support Services:

ATMC Fed Uni has a dedicated Student Support team that assists students throughout their academic journey. They can provide guidance on course selection, academic planning, and personal support. Students can also access counselling services for any personal or emotional concerns they may have.

Career Development:

This includes resume writing assistance, interview preparation, career counselling, and access to job listings and industry connections.

Student Accommodation:

ATMC Fed Uni has partnerships with local accommodation providers to ensure that students have safe and comfortable living arrangements.

Health and Well-being:

The university recognises the importance of students' well-being and provides resources to help maintain their physical and mental health. This includes access to health services, such as medical clinics and counselling assistance.

Alumni Network

"The ATMC Fed Uni alumni network is a vibrant community of graduates who continue to contribute to their professions and society at large. Being part of the ATMC Fed Uni alumni network offers numerous benefits and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Upon graduation, alumni automatically become members of the ATMC Fed Uni alumni network, gaining access to a wide range of resources and support. 

Here are some key features of the ATMC Fed Uni alumni network:

  • Networking Opportunities: The ATMC Fed Uni alumni network provides a platform for alumni to connect with fellow graduates, professionals, and industry leaders. Networking events, both online and offline, offer opportunities to establish valuable contacts, exchange ideas, and explore career prospects. Alumni can leverage these connections to seek mentorship, collaboration, and potential job opportunities.
  • Professional Development: ATMC Fed Uni offers a range of professional development programs and resources exclusively for alumni. These may include workshops, webinars, and seminars on various topics such as leadership, entrepreneurship, career advancement, and industry trends. The ATMC Fed Uni alumni network serves as a valuable source of ongoing learning and skill enhancement.
  • Mentoring Programs: As alumni, individuals have the chance to give back to the ATMC Fed Uni community by becoming mentors. The mentoring programs connect experienced alumni with current students, providing guidance, advice, and support in academic, career, and personal development. Mentoring relationships often lead to lifelong connections and mutually beneficial experiences.
  • Alumni Events and Reunions: ATMC Fed Uni organises regular alumni events and reunions to bring together graduates from different years and programs. These gatherings provide an opportunity to reconnect with old friends, share memories, and celebrate achievements. Alumni events often feature guest speakers, panel discussions, and networking activities, creating a dynamic and engaging environment.
  • Career Services: ATMC Fed Uni's dedicated career services extend to alumni, offering continued support in their professional journeys. This may include access to job boards, career counselling, resume review, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. ATMC Fed Uni strives to assist alumni in reaching their career goals and staying connected to relevant employment opportunities.
  • Alumni Success Stories: ATMC Fed Uni takes pride in the accomplishments of its alumni and enjoys showcasing their success stories. By highlighting the achievements of graduates, ATMC Fed Uni inspires current students and fosters a sense of pride within the community. Alumni success stories may be featured on the ATMC Fed Uni website, social media platforms, and in university publications.
  • Philanthropic Opportunities: Many ATMC Fed Uni alumni choose to give back through philanthropic contributions. Whether through scholarships, donations, or funding-specific initiatives, alumni support plays a vital role in enhancing the student experience and advancing the university's mission. ATMC Fed Uni appreciates the generosity of its alumni and recognises their impact on future generations of students.

The ATMC Fed Uni alumni network is an integral part of the community, connecting graduates from various disciplines and fostering a sense of belonging and shared experiences. As alumni, individuals become part of a global network that continues to support and inspire them throughout their personal and professional journey."

Why Study at ATMC Fed Uni?

  • Top-ranked university in Australia and worldwide.
  • Industry-relevant programs designed in collaboration with major industries.
  • Personalised teaching approach and small class sizes for individual attention.
  • High-quality resources and facilities for practical learning.
  • The diverse student population for a positive and enriching campus experience.
  • A supportive environment with top-rated student support services.
  • Victorian campuses with a natural environment and access to recreational experiences.
  • The pleasant climate in Victoria with warm summers and mild springs and autumns.
  • Brisbane Campus for year-round sub-tropical weather.
  • Genuine Australian experience, fostering understanding of people, culture, and history.
  • Affordable cost of living compared to larger capital cities.
  • Pathways to study for those who need to improve their English language skills.
  • Simple and convenient application process through StudyLink or authorised agents.

Campuses offering this course
Melbourne Campus - ATMC Fed Uni - ATMC Fed Uni

399 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

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ATMC Federation University lies in Melbourne Australia. It is in the centre of this metropolis and close to numerous various other points students wish to go.

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Sydney Campus - ATMC Fed Uni - ATMC Fed Uni

Level 9, 540 George Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia

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Australian Technical and Management College Sydney classrooms offer technologically updated teaching and learning resources and equipment.

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