Study Abroad

Diploma Courses After 12th for International Students

8 min read
Blog Summary Exploring the realm of diploma courses after the 12th grade offers many opportunities for international students. This guide delves into various streams including science, commerce, and arts, providing a comprehensive list of diploma courses tailored for each field. It highlights courses suitable for those inclined towards science, options available for commerce students, and the creative paths open to art students. Additionally, the blog touches upon specialized 1-year diploma courses, ideal for students seeking shorter yet impactful academic pursuits post-12th grade. This resource is invaluable for international students aiming to navigate their academic choices effectively.

Are you considering a different career path after completing your 12th grade? Perhaps you want to acquire new skills quickly before pursuing your undergraduate degree. In such situations, enrolling in diploma courses after the 12th can prove to be highly advantageous. These diploma programmes offer a condensed yet comprehensive exploration of a specific career field, allowing you to grasp its fundamental principles and uncover your hidden talents and abilities. Let's delve deeper into how pursuing a diploma course, especially abroad, can be a transformative experience that equips you with newfound knowledge.

Diploma Courses After 12th - Highlights



Course Name

Diploma Courses After 12th

Admission Process


Approved By

UGC / DEB (University Grants Commission/ Distance Education Bureau)

Course Level

Diploma Level


6 Months – 2 Years

Education Type

Distance / Regular / Online


12th Pass in Any Stream with 50% marks

Fee Structure

Approx. $65 – $590 (Based on the exchange rate as of 2023)

Diploma Course List After 12th

Diploma courses after completing the 12th grade offer a broad spectrum of opportunities across various fields. These courses cater to different interests and career goals, providing specialised training and practical knowledge. Here's a comprehensive list of diploma courses available to students from diverse streams (Science, Commerce, and Arts) after 12th standard:

  • Diploma in Computer Engineering / Computer Applications
  • Diploma in Nursing
  • Diploma in Physiotherapy
  • Diploma in Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Diploma in Banking & Finance
  • Diploma in Foreign Trade/International Trade Management
  • Diploma in Business/Big Data Analytics
  • Diploma in Event Management
  • Diploma in Fashion Designing
  • Diploma in Foreign Languages

List of Diploma Courses After 12th Science

Diploma courses are a great way for students to gain specialised knowledge and skills in a particular field. Here are some popular diploma courses that students from science, arts, and commerce backgrounds can consider:


Course Name




Diploma of Science

University of Canberra College

1 Year

Graduate Diploma of Science

The Australian National University

1 Year

Diploma in Science

The University of New England

1 Year

Diploma of Science

The University of New England

1 Year

Diploma in Science Extended - Science

Western Sydney University The College

1.5 Years

Diploma of Science

Charles Darwin University

1 Year

Diploma of Science - 192JA

University of Canberra

1 Year

Advanced Diploma of Information Technology

Canterbury Technical Institute - Canterbury Education Group

2 Year

Diploma in Forestry Technician

Algonquin College



Graduate Diploma in Food Science and Technology

Curtin University

1 year

Explore more courses with aecc Search

List of Diploma Courses After 12th Commerce

Choosing the right diploma course after completing 12th grade in commerce is crucial for setting a strong foundation for your future career. These courses, designed to cater to various aspects of the business world, offer practical knowledge and skill development, essential for thriving in today's competitive environment. Below is a list of specialised diploma courses that provide valuable insights and professional expertise to help you embark on a successful career path in commerce.


Course Name




Certificate in Digital Marketing

University of West Florida - EduCo

6 months

Diploma in Digital Business Management

Cambria College


Diploma in Digital Marketing Specialist Co-op

Toronto School of Management - GUS

1 year

Graduate Certificate in Digital Business

The University of Waikato

0.5 Years

Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Marketing

Vancouver Premier College


List of Diploma Courses After 12th Arts

After completing the 12th grade in the arts stream, students have a wide array of diploma courses to choose from. These courses are tailored to enhance creative skills, deepen understanding in various fields of arts, and prepare students for diverse career opportunities. Here's a list of popular diploma courses for students from the art background:


Course Name

University Name



Diploma in Fashion Design

Raffles Education Network

6 months

Diploma in Graphic Designing

Raffles Education Network

6 months

Diploma in Graphic, Web Design and Digital Marketing

Canadian College for Higher Studies

41 weeks

Diploma in Product Design

Raffles Education Network

6 months

Advanced Diploma in Fine Art

Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology

90 weeks

Advanced Diploma in Fine Arts

Durham College

3 years

Advanced Diploma of Visual Arts


1 year

Advanced Diploma of Visual Arts

TAFE International Western Australia

3 years

Diploma in Music Industry Arts

Algonquin College

42 weeks


Certificate in Performing Arts

Rochester Institute of Technology

1 Semester

1-Year Diploma Courses After 12th

1-year diploma courses offer a fast-track route to gain specialised skills and knowledge in various fields right after completing the 12th grade. These courses are designed to provide intensive training and education within a short time frame, making them an ideal choice for those looking to quickly start a career or gain specific competencies. Here's a list of diverse 1-year diploma courses available after the 12th grade, suitable for students from various streams:


Course Name





Diploma of Science

University of Canberra College

1 Year



Diploma of Science

Griffith College

1 Year



Graduate Diploma of Science

The Australian National University

1 Year



Diploma in Science

University of Toronto

1 Year



Graduate Diploma of Science

University of California, Berkeley

1 Year

United States


Diploma of Science

University of Oxford

1 Year

United Kingdom


Diploma of Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1 Year

United States


Diploma of Science

National University of Singapore

1 Year



Diploma of Science

University of Cape Town

1 Year

South Africa


Diploma of Science

University College London

1 Year

United Kingdom

Benefits of Diploma Courses After 12th

Diploma courses after the 12th grade offer several intriguing and valuable benefits, particularly for students who are keen on diving into professional fields or specialised areas of study. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Specialised Skill Development: Diploma courses are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and hands-on training in specific fields. This specialised focus can help you acquire practical skills that are highly valued in today's job market.
  • Time Efficiency: Unlike traditional degree programmes that span several years, diploma courses are often shorter in duration. This means you can enter the workforce or pursue further studies more quickly, saving both time and money.
  • Cost-Effective: Diploma courses are generally more affordable than full-fledged degree programmes, making them accessible to a wider range of students. This cost-effectiveness can significantly reduce the financial burden of education.
  • Career Advancement: Many diploma courses are designed in collaboration with industry experts, ensuring that you receive relevant and up-to-date knowledge. This makes you more competitive and can open doors to career advancement opportunities.
  • Flexibility: Diploma courses come in various formats, including online options. This flexibility allows you to study at your own pace and in a manner that suits your circumstances.
  • Exploration of Interests: If you're uncertain about your long-term career goals, diploma courses can serve as a valuable exploration tool. You can test the waters in different fields before committing to a full-fledged degree programme.
  • Global Opportunities: Pursuing a diploma course abroad can expose you to international perspectives, cultures, and networks. This global experience can be a tremendous asset in today's interconnected world.
  • Networking: Diploma programmes often provide opportunities for networking with industry professionals and peers. Building these connections can be instrumental in securing internships and job placements.
  • Quick Entry into the Workforce: Diploma courses equip you with practical skills that employers seek, enabling you to enter the job market sooner and start earning a salary.
  • Personal Growth: Beyond academics, diploma courses can contribute to your personal growth by fostering independence, self-discipline, and problem-solving abilities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What diploma course should I do after 12th?

When choosing a diploma course after 12th, it's essential to consider your interests and career goals. Some popular options for Diploma Courses after 12th include Diploma in Engineering, Diploma in Computer Science, and Diploma in Hospitality Management.