Study Abroad Courses

Courses after BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery )

8 min read
Blog Summary Courses After BHMS degree, a new chapter awaits international students filled with possibilities and adventures in the realm of global healthcare. This blog serves as a compass, guiding you through the diverse landscape of postgraduate opportunities available across the world. Whether it’s pursuing an advanced MD in Homeopathy, diving into the depths of Public Health, or mastering the intricacies of Hospital Administration, we shine a light on how each course can sculpt your future in the healthcare industry. If you're yearning to blend your love for homeopathy with a thirst for international experiences, this guide is your gateway to a world of possibilities, helping you navigate your post-BHMS journey with confidence and curiosity.

After completing your journey through the intricate and rewarding path of a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS), you stand at a crossroads filled with promising directions to take your passion for healing and healthcare to new heights. The world beyond BHMS is not just a continuation of your academic endeavours; it's a mosaic of opportunities that beckon with the promise of specialisation, innovation, and personal fulfilment, especially through various courses after BHMS.

For those of you looking to deepen your roots in the healing traditions of homeopathy while branching out into new areas of expertise, a plethora of courses after BHMS await. From the rigorous depth of Postgraduate (PG) courses and MD programmes that promise to refine your knowledge and clinical skills, to Diploma courses designed to introduce you to new realms of medical science, the options are as diverse as they are enriching.

Imagine pursuing a Diploma or MD in areas like dermatology, where you can blend the holistic approach of homeopathy with the precision of allopathic treatments, thanks to the courses after BHMS. Or consider the allure of short-duration courses that can add new dimensions to your practice, such as nutrition, psychology, or even hospital management, showcasing the breadth of courses after BHMS that are available to you.

Top Courses After BHMS

After completing a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS), pursuing further education can significantly enhance your career prospects and expertise. Here's a list of top courses that cater to various interests and professional goals:

List of top courses after BHMS

  • MD in Homeopathy
  • Diploma in Emergency Medicine
  • PG Diploma in Clinical Research
  • Fellowship in Medical Cosmetology
  • Master in Public Health (MPH)
  • Diploma in Hospital Administration
  • Certificate Course in Food and Nutrition
  • PG Diploma in Health Care Management
  • MD in Alternative Medicine
  • Fellowship in Homeopathic Dermatology
  • MSc Food and Nutrition
  • PGDM Clinical Diabetology
  • MSc Neuroscience

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Postgraduate Courses after BHMS

For those pondering after BHMS which course is better, the answer lies in aligning your interests with the myriad of pg courses after BHMS designed to cater to the evolving landscape of healthcare. Among the sought-after options are MD courses after BHMS, offering specialisation in areas critical to homeopathic practice and research. For those looking for short duration courses after BHMS, diploma courses after BHMS and fellowship courses after BHMS present opportunities to acquire specific skills and knowledge in less time, making them ideal for practitioners eager to quickly enhance their clinical capabilities.

The list of diploma courses after BHMS includes specialties such as Dermatology, pivotal for practitioners aiming to branch into skin care and treatment using homeopathic principles. Similarly, allopathic courses after BHMS offer a gateway to understanding and integrating conventional medical practices with homeopathic treatment, broadening the scope of patient care.

Whether your interest lies in MD after BHMS, diploma course after BHMS, or even exploring fellowship courses, the opportunities for growth and specialisation are boundless. Here’s the table below providing the details on more pg courses after BHMS: 

Specialisation Area

Course Options

MD in Homeopathy

MD (Hom) Psychiatry, MD (Hom) Pharmacy, MD (Hom) Practice of Medicine, MD (Hom) Materia Medica, MD (Hom) Pediatrics, MD (Hom) Allopathy, MD (Hom) in Endocrinology

MSc Courses

MSc Applied Psychology, MSc Clinical Research, MSc Health Sciences and Yoga Therapy, MSc Medical Biochemistry, MSc Human Genome, MSc Genetics, MSc Food Science, MSc Epidemiology, MSc Medical Biochemistry


MBA in Hospital Management, MBA in Pharmaceutical Management, MBA in Healthcare Management, Master of Hospital Administration

PG Diploma Courses

PG Diploma in Social and Preventive Healthcare, PG Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery, Diploma in Electro-Homeopathy, PG Diploma in Clinical Diabetology, PG Diploma in Preventive and Promotive Healthcare, Diploma in Food and Nutrition, Diploma in Medical Trichology, PG Diploma in Pharmaceutical Management, PGDM Diabetes Mellitus, PGDM Acupuncture

MD Homeopathy after BHMS

Pursuing an MD in Homeopathy post-BHMS offers a deep dive into advanced homeopathic practices, making it a prime choice for those looking to specialise further in their field. This commitment beyond the courses after BHMS not only enhances professional expertise but also opens up a spectrum of career options after BHMS. It stands out among PG courses after BHMS, especially for those seeking specialisation in short duration courses or diploma courses after BHMS. Here’s a quick look at  MD  Homeopathy after bhms

Course Type


MD in Homeopathy

Advanced specialisation, research opportunities, higher clinical expertise

PG/Diploma Courses

Broadens skill set, shorter duration, diverse specialisations like dermatology

Fellowship Courses

Focused expertise, networking opportunities, practical experience

Interested in learning more about the BHMS course? Dive into this blog: BHMS Course: Full Form, Subjects, Fees 2024

Master of Hospital Administration after BHMS

Pursuing a Master of Hospital Administration (MHA) after BHMS marks a transformative leap from clinical practice to healthcare leadership. This path not only broadens career options after BHMS but also equips you with the skills to manage and improve hospital operations, blending bhms career options with strategic healthcare management. An MHA is a standout choice among pg courses after BHMS, ideal for those aiming to impact healthcare on a larger scale beyond short duration courses or diploma courses after BHMS. It's a journey towards becoming a pivotal part of the healthcare system, ensuring quality patient care through effective administration.

MSc Programmes after BHMS

Choosing the right course after BHMS depends on your career aspirations and the specific areas of healthcare you're passionate about. MSc programmes provide a platform for BHMS graduates to delve into research, enhance their clinical skills, and explore short duration courses and diploma courses after BHMS as stepping stones to further specialisation.

Here's a list of MSc programmes available after BHMS, without descriptions:

  • MSc Applied Psychology
  • MSc Clinical Research
  • MSc Health Sciences and Yoga Therapy
  • MSc Medical Biochemistry
  • MSc Human Genome
  • MSc Genetics
  • MSc Food Science
  • MSc Epidemiology

Each of these programmes offers a unique perspective on healthcare, promising to enrich your bhms career options and pave the way for a fulfilling and impactful career in the medical field.

MBA Courses after BHMS

Pursuing MBA courses after Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) marks a pivotal shift towards blending the compassionate principles of healthcare with the strategic rigors of business management. This unique intersection offers BHMS graduates a broad spectrum of career opportunities, significantly widening the scope of career options after BHMS. For those deliberating BHMS which course is better, the MBA emerges as a compelling choice, particularly for individuals keen to ascend into leadership positions within the healthcare sector, pharmaceutical companies, or hospital administration.

MBA in Pharmaceutical Management: This course focuses on the integrative aspect of business and healthcare, providing an opportunity to stay close to the field of medicine while discovering managerial careers.

MBA in Health Industry Management: This program is designed to provide a strong foundation in business management, preparing students to lead healthcare organizations.

MBA in Public Sector and Healthcare Management: This course is designed for those who want to work in management roles within the public sector and healthcare industry.

MBA in Healthcare Management: This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare industry, including the management of hospitals and other medical establishments.

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PG Diploma courses after BHMS

After completing a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS), there are several Postgraduate (PG) Diploma courses one can pursue to specialize further or expand their knowledge and skills in related fields. Here's a list of PG Diploma courses after BHMS :

  1. PG Diploma in Hospital and Health Management
  2. PG Diploma in Clinical Research
  3. PG Diploma in Public Health Management
  4. PG Diploma in Pharmaceutical Management
  5. PG Diploma in Health Care Management
  6. PG Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics
  7. PG Diploma in Emergency Medical Services
  8. PG Diploma in Maternal and Child Health
  9. PG Diploma in Health Insurance Management
  10. PG Diploma in Health Informatics

Fellowship Courses after BHMS

After BHMS, diving into Fellowship courses is a strategic move for those aiming to specialise further. These programmes offer targeted learning and hands-on experience in areas like dermatology, enriching your skill set beyond the foundational BHMS curriculum. Fellowships are a powerful way to enhance your expertise and open up new career options after BHMS, blending passion with specialisation in the healthcare field.

Fellowship Courses After BHMS:

Fellowship programs after BHMS are typically 6 months to 2 years in duration, depending on the specific specialization. They are offered by various institutions, including research universities, rehabilitation centers, and medical institutes. Here are some examples of Fellowship courses you can pursue after BHMS:

  • Advanced Homeopathy: This fellowship provides in-depth training in advanced homeopathic principles, diagnosis, and treatment methods.
  • Predictive Homeopathy: This fellowship focuses on using various techniques to predict the most effective homeopathic remedy for a patient.
  • Homeopathic Dermatology: This fellowship equips you with specialized knowledge and skills in treating skin conditions using homeopathy.
  • Homeopathy for Holistic Care: This fellowship delves into integrating homeopathy with other holistic practices for comprehensive patient care.
  • Counseling & Rehabilitation: This fellowship combines homeopathic treatment with counseling techniques to support patients with chronic illnesses or mental health concerns.

By pursuing a Fellowship after BHMS, you can:

  • Gain expertise in a specific area of homeopathy.
  • Enhance your clinical skills through practical training and patient interaction.
  • Increase your earning potential by specializing in a sought-after area.
  • Stand out from other BHMS graduates in the job market.

Short Duration Courses After bhms

There are many short duration courses you can pursue after completing your BHMS degree. These courses can help you gain new skills, specialize in a particular area of homeopathy, or even transition into a different field within healthcare. Here are some of the most popular options:

List of short duration courses after bhms

  • Certificate/Diploma Courses in Homeopathy: These courses can provide you with a deeper understanding of homeopathic principles and practices. Some popular options include:
    • Certificate Course in Clinical Homeopathy
    • Certificate Course in Electro Homeopathy
    • Diploma in Homeopathic Pharmacy
  • Diploma Courses in Allied Fields: These courses can help you expand your knowledge and skills in areas related to healthcare. Some popular options include:
    • Diploma in Food and Nutrition
    • Diploma in Food and Nutrition
    • Diploma in Medical Trichology
    • Diploma in Medical Trichology
    • Diploma in Yoga Therapy
  • Other Short-Term Courses: There are a variety of other short-term courses available that can be beneficial for BHMS graduates. Some examples include:
    • Medical Writing
    • Public Health Advocacy
    • Healthcare Administration Basics

The duration of these courses can vary from a few weeks to a few months. They are a great option for BHMS graduates who want to continue their education without making a long-term commitment.

Top Universities for Courses after BHMS

For international students looking to pursue advanced courses after completing their Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS), there are several prestigious universities around the globe that offer a wide range of postgraduate, diploma, and fellowship programmes in healthcare. These institutions provide an excellent platform for BHMS graduates to expand their knowledge, engage in groundbreaking research, and explore diverse career opportunities in the medical field. Here's a brief overview of top universities offering courses that cater to the interests and aspirations of international students after BHMS:

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Courses after BHMS Career Scope and Salary

After completing a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS), international students have a vast array of career opportunities and courses that can significantly enhance their professional journey. The scope for BHMS graduates is broad, encompassing clinical practice, research, education, and healthcare management, among others. Diving deeper into specialised courses after BHMS can open doors to lucrative and fulfilling careers across the globe. Here's an insightful look at the potential careers and the average salary one might expect, offering a glimpse into the promising future that awaits BHMS graduates:

Career Path after bhms

Average Salary (USD/year)

Homeopathic Practitioner

$60,000 - $90,000

Healthcare Administrator

$70,000 - $100,000

Clinical Research Associate

$50,000 - $70,000

Public Health Specialist

$60,000 - $85,000

Pharmaceutical Industry Professional

$65,000 - $95,000

Health Informatics Specialist

$70,000 - $90,000

Medical Science Liaison

$100,000 - $150,000

Healthcare Consultant

$75,000 - $100,000

Academic Researcher in Homeopathy

$55,000 - $80,000

Regulatory Affairs Specialist

$60,000 - $90,000

Frequently Asked Questions

Which courses can be done after BHMS?

After completing BHMS, students can pursue various courses, including MD in Homeopathy, Masters in Public Health (MPH), MBA in Healthcare Management, Diploma in Emergency Medicine, and certificates in clinical research, among others.

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