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Applicants must enrolled in a school of nursing undergraduate degree-seeking program. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and academic merit.

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Applicants need to complete the SON Undergraduate Scholarship Application including a brief essay of your reasons for pursuing a nursing career.

Nestled in the beating heart of downtown Cleveland, Cleveland State University (CSU) paints a vibrant canvas of academic life. Just as an artist brings together different hues on a palette, does CSU blend diverse study areas and student backgrounds into a harmonious tableau of learning and growth?

Mirroring the intricate patterns of a mosaic, the multitude of study areas at CSU are as varied as they are vast. Each plays a critical part in the overall composition, much like individual pieces in a grand puzzle. Each college and each department is another piece that adds to the richness and complexity of the academic experience.

But isn't CSU more than just academics? As the sun paints the morning sky with its radiant hues, CSU illuminates its campus with vibrant colours of diversity and inclusion. The university celebrates its multicultural community, reflecting the world's vibrant rainbow of cultures and traditions. Clubs and societies are a testament to this, like constellations dot the night sky. Do they not twinkle with the unique light of each student's passions and interests?

Behold the campus facilities at CSU! Aren't they the bedrock, the sturdy foundation upon which the institution stands? Each facility, from the Michael Schwartz Library and the Student Center to the Recreation Center and the Wolstein Center, is a vibrant artery, pumping life into the body of CSU. 

Yet, does the story of CSU end at graduation? Like the enduring flame of a lighthouse that guides sailors home, the robust alumni network at CSU keeps its students connected, offering guidance beyond the university walls. Isn't it a beacon, a guiding light towards career advancement and lifelong learning?

With a commitment to diversity, a dedication to learning, and many opportunities for personal and professional development, Cleveland State University is more than just an institution. It's a vibrant tapestry of experiences, a melting pot of cultures, and a dynamic knowledge hub. But, most importantly, isn't it a launchpad, a catapult propelling its students towards their dreams and aspirations? Indeed, it is!

Campus Location

At the heart of a culturally vibrant landscape, Cleveland State University (CSU) offers a unique academic environment deeply ingrained in the dynamism of downtown Cleveland, Ohio. The university's downtown location presents students with a rich cultural experience, engagement opportunities, and access to a thriving professional community.

Strategically positioned, CSU's campus spans approximately 85 acres and neighbours many of Cleveland's most notable landmarks, such as Playhouse Square, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and the Cleveland Museum of Art. This prime location allows students to enjoy the city's artistic and cultural vibrancy.

Accessibility to downtown Cleveland affords CSU students easy access to internships, job opportunities, and networking events. Strong ties with local industries, businesses, and organisations foster valuable partnerships and collaborations, setting a unique stage for career advancement.

The campus reflects CSU's commitment to sustainability and innovation with modern buildings, green spaces, and state-of-the-art facilities that cater to evolving student and faculty needs. The recently established Center for Innovation in Medical Professions and the Washkewicz College of Engineering symbolise CSU's dedication to cutting-edge research and academic excellence.

Study Areas

Cleveland State University offers a broad spectrum of disciplines through its colleges. The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) offers fields like anthropology, communication, economics, and psychology, emphasising critical thinking, effective communication, and a deeper understanding of human society.

In contrast, CSU's College of Engineering focuses on practical, industry-relevant education with departments including civil and environmental engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, and mechanical engineering. Students at CSU have the opportunity to work on innovative research projects and access specialised labs and facilities.

The Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs and the Monte Ahuja College of Business are other notable study areas at CSU. They offer urban studies, public administration, nonprofit management, and business education programs, emphasising experiential learning, entrepreneurship, and industry connections. Finally, the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law provides students with a rigorous legal education, with opportunities for specialisation in multiple areas.

Diversity and Inclusion

Cleveland State University (CSU) prides itself on its diversity and multiculturalism, which are integral to its identity. CSU seeks to leverage this asset to benefit the campus community and the broader city and region.

The Office of Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement collaborates across the CSU campus, supporting strategies that promote diversity and enhance programming and activities to nurture a diverse campus community. They also support the social and academic success of CSU's diverse student population.

The Division of Campus Engagement, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CEDEI) at Cleveland State focuses on engaging with the campus community. They offer programs, activities, events, guidance, and services supporting the university’s commitment to creating a climate that respects and values all aspects of diversity.

CSU strives to foster a campus environment that is safe and inclusive. CSU encourages and empowers students, faculty, and staff to be authentically engaged citizens on campus, in their communities, and worldwide.

Student life - Clubs and Societies

CSU showcases a diverse range of student-led organisations catering to various interests. Academic clubs specific to each department, like the Accounting Association and Engineering Society, provide platforms for networking, professional development, and academic support.

Cultural and diversity-focused groups celebrate CSU's diverse student body by promoting inclusivity, cultural awareness, and appreciation for different heritages. These include the Black Student Union, Latinx Student Association, International Student Organisation, and LGBTQ+ Alliance.

Artistic students find their space in performance and arts-focused organisations such as the CSU Chorale, Dance Ensemble, Theater Arts Society, and the Art Students' League. These clubs provide an avenue for artistic expression, collaboration, and performance opportunities both on and off campus.

CSU also caters to students' professional aspirations and athletic interests. Professional and career-related clubs, such as the Finance Association and Pre-Med Society, and recreational and sports clubs, like the CSU Running Club and Volleyball Club, promote camaraderie through fitness, teamwork, and friendly competition.

Campus Facilities

Cleveland State University takes pride in providing state-of-the-art campus facilities that contribute to a stimulating learning environment. The Michael Schwartz Library, for instance, is a hub of knowledge and resources with a vast collection of books, scholarly journals, and digital resources. It also offers quiet study areas, group study rooms, and computer labs.

The Student Center is another crucial facility that serves as a central gathering place for students. The centre provides various amenities, including dining options, a game room, a theatre, and study lounges. Furthermore, the Student Center houses the Office of Student Life, coordinating student activities, clubs, and events.

For fostering a healthy and active lifestyle, CSU features a Recreation Center equipped with modern exercise equipment, indoor and outdoor courts, a swimming pool, and group fitness studios. Additionally, the Wolstein Center, with a seating capacity of over 13,000, is a multipurpose venue that hosts concerts, sporting events, and conferences.

Finally, CSU's Health and Wellness Services provide comprehensive health services, including medical care, counselling, psychological services, and health education programs, showcasing the university's commitment to student well-being.

Alumni Network

Cleveland State University's alumni network is a powerful networking and mentorship platform. Alumni from diverse backgrounds and industries can connect, share experiences, and offer guidance to current students and recent graduates, leading to internships, job opportunities, and valuable insights into career paths.

Furthermore, the alumni network plays a crucial role in supporting career development. Alumni often serve as valuable resources for job leads, internships, and professional development opportunities. CSU organises career fairs, networking events, and workshops that foster meaningful connections and facilitate career advancement.

The university also organises various events and reunions to celebrate and engage with its alumni community. These events provide opportunities for alumni to reconnect with old classmates, reminisce about their time at CSU, and stay connected with the university.

CSU's commitment to lifelong learning extends to its alumni. The university offers various continuing education programs, workshops, and seminars that allow alumni to enhance their skills, stay updated on industry trends, and pursue personal and professional growth.

Why Study at Cleveland State University?

  • Cleveland State University offers a vibrant campus life in the heart of downtown Cleveland.
  • Diverse study areas across multiple colleges cater to various academic interests.
  • The university's dedication to diversity and inclusion fosters an enriching student environment.
  • Many clubs and societies provide opportunities for networking, cultural exchange, and personal development.
  • Modern, comprehensive campus facilities enhance the learning experience.
  • A robust alumni network aids in career development and provides ongoing learning opportunities.


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