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The Merit Scholars program seeks to identify students who will positively contribute to our campus culture and environment. There is not a separate application or deadline for these scholarships. All undergraduate applicants are considered on the basis of their full admission application and resources available.

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Applicants are selected for scholarships through a comprehensive review of their application, including essay, letter(s) of recommendation, community service, rigor of transcript, selected major/concentration, leadership activities, and academic indicators.

In the bustling heart of Central Florida, akin to a pulsating brain centre that fuels the world's rapid technological advancements, lies the ever-innovative Florida Polytechnic University. Imagine a spaceship propelling curious minds into the vast expanse of technological discovery; that's precisely what Florida Polytechnic University embodies.

So, what sets Florida Polytechnic University apart? Picture a beehive buzzing with activity, a symbol of industry and cooperation. This mirrors the dynamic, collaborative environment of Florida Polytechnic University. The university's state-of-the-art facilities, including the Innovation, Science, and Technology (IST) Building, act as a well-oiled machine fostering groundbreaking research and development, like an alchemist's crucible where elements transform into gold. With research labs, collaborative spaces, and advanced technology infrastructure, the university acts as an incubator, nurturing and cultivating innovative ideas into practical solutions.

Imagine a vibrant tapestry interwoven with threads of various colours, each representing the diverse backgrounds of the students and staff. The university's commitment to promoting multiculturalism and diversity enhances the campus environment and enriches the educational experience, creating a vibrant mosaic of cultures.

Now, envision a tree, its roots representing the firm foundation of knowledge provided by the university and its branches spreading wide, symbolising the students' expanding horizons. That's Florida Polytechnic University's approach to education. With a focus on STEM, the curriculum is designed to provide a foundation of knowledge while encouraging students to branch out into various fields of expertise.

Finally, consider a spider web, intricate and interconnected, with each thread representing an alumnus of the university. As a spider weaves its web, Florida Polytechnic University carefully cultivates an extensive alumni network that offers graduates access to mentorship, job opportunities, career advice, and lifelong learning opportunities. With the support of this network, graduates can navigate their career paths just like skilled sailors using constellations to traverse the vast ocean of professional life.

Thus, Florida Polytechnic University, through its innovative curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, commitment to diversity, and robust alumni network, is more than just an institution; it's a launchpad for the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. What more could one ask for in a university?

Campus Location

Florida Polytechnic University, proudly nestled in the heart of Central Florida, serves as a thriving hub of high-tech industry. The university's strategic position allows students easy access to many technology companies, research centres, and innovation hubs. This strategic advantage paves the way for students to enjoy abundant opportunities for internships and employment, enhancing their hands-on experiences and industry networking.

Yet, the university doesn't just offer technological richness. The campus sits amidst the natural beauty of Florida, surrounded by lakes, green spaces, and lush landscapes. This serene environment fosters a conducive learning atmosphere and personal well-being, providing a backdrop for outdoor activities and balanced lifestyles.

While the location offers tranquillity, it is not far removed from the urban luxuries of Lakeland. The city's amenities, including shopping centres, restaurants, and entertainment venues, are within easy reach. This proximity lets students enjoy leisure activities, unique dining experiences, and community engagement.

Strategically located near major Florida cities, the university ensures easy accessibility for students. Tampa, a city of vibrant culture and professional opportunities, is approximately 35 miles west, while Orlando, renowned for its theme parks and diverse industries, is roughly 60 miles east. The well-connected transportation infrastructure further adds to the campus's appeal.

Study Areas

Florida Polytechnic University offers extensive specialised programs, primarily focusing on STEM disciplines. The Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Department enables students to explore intersections between technology, society, and human experience. Essential courses in this department enhance students' communication, research, and critical thinking skills.

Another pillar of academic excellence at the university is the Department of Computer Science. It stands among the first undergraduate degrees created at the university and prides itself on delivering an ABET-accredited high-quality program focused on education and applied research.

The Department of Data Science and Business Analytics at Florida Polytechnic University offers two undergraduate degree programs and three entry-level certificates. The program aims to meet the demands of the rapidly growing data and analytics industry.

The university's Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical and Environmental Engineering Departments are equally competitive. They deliver degree programs in respective disciplines, allowing several concentrations to customise the degree to students' aspirations.

Diversity and Inclusion

Florida Polytechnic University values diversity and inclusivity, celebrating its student body's different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. The university is dedicated to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

The university recognises diversity enriches the educational experience, promotes personal growth, and strengthens communities. It continuously strives to build an academic community representing various human experiences, perspectives, and interests.

To promote diversity, the university has launched various cultural and diversity clubs. These platforms enable students to showcase their cultural heritage, learn about other cultures, and promote diversity and inclusion. Examples of these clubs include the Hispanic/Latinx Student Association, African Student Union, and Asian Student Association.

Moreover, Florida Polytechnic University implements policies and practices that encourage diverse hiring and promotion standards. The university is committed to equal opportunity and does not discriminate based on race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, or any other protected class.

Student Life - Clubs and Societies

Student life at Florida Polytechnic University extends far beyond classrooms. The university offers various clubs and societies catering to a wide range of academic interests, hobbies, and passions.

Academic and Professional Organisations, such as the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), and National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), provide students with networking opportunities, access to industry professionals, and avenues to enhance knowledge and skills.

Moreover, the Special Interest Clubs create spaces for students to explore their passions, connect with like-minded peers, and participate in various activities and events. These clubs cater to interests such as gaming, anime, photography, and outdoor adventures.

Community service and philanthropy clubs also have a strong presence at Florida Polytechnic University. These clubs organise volunteering opportunities, fundraisers, and initiatives to support local charities and make a positive impact. Students are encouraged to participate in these meaningful service works while developing leadership and teamwork skills.

Campus Facilities

Florida Polytechnic University's campus is known for its iconic Innovation, Science, and Technology (IST) Building. This state-of-the-art facility houses cutting-edge classrooms, research labs, collaborative spaces, and advanced technology infrastructure. The building's innovative architecture reflects the university's commitment to technological advancement and creativity.

In addition to the IST Building, the university boasts specialised laboratories and research centres that facilitate hands-on learning and cutting-edge research. These include robotics, cyber-security, electrical engineering, and computer science labs. The university's research centres focus on data analytics, autonomous systems, and advanced materials.

The Florida Polytechnic University library provides students access to a wide range of resources, including books, scholarly journals, digital databases, and research materials. It offers comfortable study areas, private study rooms, computer workstations, and group collaboration spaces to support students' academic pursuits.

Moreover, the campus has various collaborative spaces to promote teamwork, group projects, and interactive learning. These spaces encourage students to engage in discussions, brainstorming sessions, and collaborative problem-solving. In addition to this, dedicated innovation labs provide an environment where students can explore innovative ideas and engage in experiential learning.

Alumni Network

Florida Polytechnic University maintains a robust alumni network that benefits graduates long after they leave campus. Alumni can leverage this network to expand their professional connections, access job opportunities, receive career advice, and gain industry insights. Graduates can connect with fellow alumni who have established careers in their desired fields, fostering mentorship relationships and valuable guidance.

The university's alumni network offers various career support services, including job placement assistance, resume reviews, and interview preparation. This support extends to access to career resources, further assisting alumni in their professional development and navigation of their career paths.

Florida Polytechnic University prioritises lifelong learning and continuing education for its alumni. The university frequently organises workshops, seminars, and professional development events specifically designed for graduates. These events keep alumni updated on the latest industry trends, allow for the expansion of their knowledge, and enhance their professional skills.

The university hosts regular alumni events and reunions, inviting graduates from different classes. These occasions allow alumni to reconnect, reminisce about their time at the university, and build new connections. They can participate in campus tours, networking receptions, and social activities, fostering a sense of belonging and pride in their alma mater.

Why Study at Florida Polytechnic University?

  • Florida Polytechnic University offers an innovative, STEM-focused education. This approach, coupled with hands-on, experiential learning, sets the foundation for students to succeed in the rapidly changing tech industry.
  • The university’s location in Central Florida provides students access to many technology companies, research centres, and innovation hubs. The proximity to these industries enriches students' education with real-world experience through internships and employment opportunities.
  • Florida Polytechnic University highly emphasises diversity and inclusivity, creating a vibrant, multicultural community that enhances students' personal and educational experiences. 
  • The robust alumni network and strong industry ties contribute significantly to the employability of graduates. The university's strong commitment to supporting the professional development of its students and alumni.


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