4 Semesters
Intake months
January, june, august
The Electricity and Electronics Technology (E/ET) Department at Laney College is an educational center providing Technical Education to the students to enter the demanding job markets. The reputation of the department as a quality educational provider that is responsive to students’ and industries’ needs, establishes the department as a regional model for delivering technical education. Student learning and academic success is department’s highest priority. Access to the State of California Certi cation ( icensing) of Electricians is available at Laney College (State Site 172) through the state recogni ed Electrical Trainee program including all state-required courses (eleven in total) CA CTP (California Advanced ighting Controls Training Program) courses such as AT-T (Acceptance Test Technicians) are taught and certified by CALCTP.
Type of institution
Community College
On campus accommodation
Not Available
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